Warrenville Uncontested Divorce Lawyer | High Conflict Custody Attorney Winfield

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Warrenville, IL Uncontested Divorce Attorney

Strong Guidance with Uncontested and Contested Divorce Matters in West Chicago

In Illinois, there are two general types of divorces; contested and uncontested. Most dissolutions of marriage are contested to some degree. However, there are some instances when an uncontested divorce may be possible. Before deciding which is appropriate for you, it is best to consult with a skilled contested/uncontested divorce lawyer.

At The Law Offices of Nancy Kasko, LLC, we have in-depth knowledge of contested and uncontested divorces and the important differences between each option. Attorney Nancy Kasko has been through a contested divorce herself, and she has first-hand experience dealing with this process. Nancy understands the enormous emotional and financial toll a marriage dissolution can take on spouses and their families, and she works hard to make the legal end of things as smooth and seamless as possible.

Nancy is straightforward and down to earth, and she always provides an honest assessment of your case, so you have realistic expectations going in. Nancy also spends a lot of time with her clients listening and understanding their specific needs, so she can develop the most practical and effective strategy toward a favorable outcome.

Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce in Illinois

During the marriage dissolution process, there are numerous legal matters that must be resolved. Some of the most important include:

If both parties can agree on these and other pertinent issues, an uncontested divorce may be possible. In such cases, the parties and their attorneys negotiate a divorce settlement without the involvement of the court. Once the final terms and conditions are agreed upon, the settlement is presented to the court for approval. Another way to handle an uncontested divorce is through mediation. With this option, the two parties agree to craft their settlement with the guidance of a neutral, third-party mediator.

If there are disputes over some (or all) of the legal issues and the spouses cannot resolve these disputes on their own, the divorce will be contested. In a contested divorce, the parties go before the court, where a judge decides how the issues in dispute will be settled. This route tends to be more costly and protracted, but in many cases, it is the only viable option.

Speak with a Strong Divorce Attorney in Winfield

Whether you are facing a contentious (and likely) contested divorce, or you and your spouse are on amicable terms, Attorney Nancy Kasko is ready to be your advocate. She is a skilled litigator inside the courtroom and a strong negotiator outside of court. She is also a certified mediator and is fully equipped to handle a divorce mediation if you choose that option. For a free consultation with attorney Kasko, contact our Warrenville law office today at 630-836-8540 or our Wheaton office at 630-407-1665. We serve clients in Warrenville, Wheaton, Winfield, and West Chicago, Illinois.

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