Warrenville Stay At Home Parent Divorce Lawyer | Wheaton Alimony Attorney

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Warrenville Stay-at-Home Parent Divorce Attorney

Divorce Lawyer Providing Skilled Guidance to Stay-at-Home Parents in DuPage County, IL

The decision to end a marriage and part ways is one that is seldom made lightly. Dealing with the various legal matters and uncertainty over the future can make the process highly stressful. This is especially true during a divorce with a stay-at-home parent. In such cases, you need an advocate who is strong, compassionate, and committed to fighting hard to protect your interests.

At The Law Offices of Nancy Kasko, LLC, we have an in-depth understanding of even the most complex divorces, including those involving stay-at-home parents. Attorney Nancy Kasko has been through a contentious divorce herself, and she has personal experience dealing with the intricacies of the process. Nancy understands the enormous emotional and financial toll a divorce can take on spouses and their families, and she does everything she can to make the legal process as smooth and seamless as possible.

Nancy handles each divorce and family law case personally, and she works closely with her clients to give them the individualized representation they deserve. Nancy takes the time to listen to your concerns and learn the unique facts of your case so she can formulate an effective strategy that fits your objectives. She also follows up with you regularly, providing frequent updates on the progress of your case.

Common Considerations with Divorce and Stay-at-Home Parents

There are several areas to consider with divorces involving a non-working parent. These include:

  • Spousal Support: Temporary or permanent alimony/spousal maintenance may be awarded to the stay-at-home parent. The length and level of support is based on several factors, including the duration of the marriage, the age and health of both spouses, a stay-at-home parent’s potential to return to work, the income of the working spouse, and the tax implications of the divorce.
  • Parenting Plan: The court considers factors such as the parents’ relationship with their children and their involvement in children’s day-to-day lives when determining the allocation of parental responsibility and parenting time. If the non-working spouse ends up with primary responsibility of the children, it is highly likely they will receive child support as well.
  • Division of Assets: Illinois law calls for a “fair and equitable” distribution of marital property.

In families with only one earner, there is often a presumption that the spouse earning all the money is entitled to the lion’s share of the property. This is not necessarily true. In cases with divorce and a stay-at-home parent, the state recognizes the valuable contribution made by the parent who has chosen to remain at home to raise the children.

The homemaker contribution goes beyond just raising the kids and managing the household, however. There are also opportunity costs that should be taken into account. For example, if one spouse was on track toward a high-paying professional career and decided to give that up to become a stay-at-home parent, there could be several years (or even decades) of lost earnings, not to mention the skills, experience, and future earning power he/she would have had.

Speak with a Compassionate Winfield Divorce Lawyer

Divorces involving stay-at-home parents can be very stressful, especially for the spouse who has given up their earning power to nurture the family. Attorney Nancy Kasko understands this, and she is a strong advocate on your behalf both inside and outside the courtroom. For a free consultation with attorney Kasko, contact our Warrenville law office today at 630-836-8540 or our Wheaton office at 630-407-1665. We serve clients in Warrenville, Wheaton, Winfield, and West Chicago, Illinois.

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